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Friday, 1 October 2010

Top 10 Super Powers In The World

What makes a country superpower? Whats make a country to move from being strong, regional power and then finally superpower? What are different criteria on which we weigh a country's power? Today in this hub, we will discuss about all these factors and also try to come up with a list of top 10 superpowers in the the world based on different criteria.

When we talk about power, the first criteria which comes to our mind is military strength. A country's strength is mainly defined by its land forces, navies and air forces. So first and priority 1 criteria which we will use today will the defence capability.

After military might, second factor which strikes me is the economic power. From buying a needle to buying a aircraft carrier, you need money. Money is needed to do research, to manufacture products and to build universities. You can imagine the essence of money by the fact that Russia, even after having he same military might as America during cold war could not emerge as the only superpower because it was still relatively poor than US. The emergence of China as a world superpower was mostly fueled by its economic success.

Third factor which comes to mind is the country resource, both natural and human. To be a superpower, you need both natural and human resources. This can be understood by the fact that middle east countries are so rich in oil but due to lack of human resources they are no where near to be a superpower. On the other hand, countries like Israel cannot even grow potatoes, but are a big power in the reason due to their human resource excellence.

Fourth and final factor which I will consider while creating the list below is the political angle. You might not be economically or militarily strong but you may still be able to use your political influence in a region to change the outcome of any dispute. For example, future of Afghanistan is highly dependent on the kind of decisions taken in Islamabad.

So while coming up with the list of top 10 superpower, we will use the above mentioned factors. So here we go with our list... To read more..